PowerShell ProgressBar -- Part 3

The Series

Okay, so we have a progress bar that shows percentage. Big whoop, who cares!? I need all the details! I need to show all the things! Well…. the time has come. Behold, details being added…

Easy Peasy

At this point, in order to add in a bit of details we need to do the following tasks:

  1. Add a textblock to our XAML underneath the plain old progress bar
  2. Add an update call to the update block triggered by the timer in our previous posting.
  3. Add if statements to our Write-ProgressBar cmdlet

The typical Write-Progress cmdlet takes the following three parameters and mushes them together, in order, underneath your progressbar:

  1. Status
  2. Seconds Remaining
  3. CurrentOperation

On the cmdlet side it helps to have these split out to make calling the cmdlet easier. On the UI side though it just complicates things unnecessarily, so I simply added a single variable to my New-ProgressBar cmdlet called AdditionalInfo on my synchash:

$syncHash.AdditionalInfo = ''

We add the following textblock code to our XAML to create the label underneath the progress bar:

<TextBlock Name="AdditionalInfoTextBlock" Text="" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />

Making all three variables squished into one makes the addition to my update block a single line of code:

$SyncHash.AdditionalInfoTextBlock.Text = $SyncHash.AdditionalInfo

Now I add in the addtional parameters to the param section of my Write-ProgressBar cmdlet as follows:

        [String]$Status = $Null,
        [int]$SecondsRemaining = $Null,
        [String]$CurrentOperation = $Null

My if statements on whether or not to add these parameters and combining them with spacing into the AdditionalInfo paramater looks like this:


       [String]$SecondsRemaining = "$SecondsRemaining Seconds Remaining"


       [String]$SecondsRemaining = $Null


   Write-Verbose -Message "Setting AdditionalInfo to $Status       $SecondsRemaining$(if($SecondsRemaining){ " seconds remaining..." }else {''})       $CurrentOperation"
   $ProgressBar.AdditionalInfo = "$Status       $SecondsRemaining       $CurrentOperation"

Now if I run the demo provided at the end of this article we get the following:

Give me alllll the deets!

Nice eh!?

Full Code

Function New-ProgressBar {

    $syncHash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
    $newRunspace =[runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
    $syncHash.Runspace = $newRunspace
    $syncHash.AdditionalInfo = ''
    $newRunspace.ApartmentState = "STA"
    $newRunspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"
    $data = $newRunspace.Open() | Out-Null
    $PowerShellCommand = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
        [string]$xaml = @"
            Name=&quot;Window&quot; Title=&quot;Progress...&quot; WindowStartupLocation = &quot;CenterScreen&quot;
            Width = &quot;560&quot; Height=&quot;130&quot; SizeToContent=&quot;Height&quot; ShowInTaskbar = &quot;True&quot;&gt;
            &lt;StackPanel Margin=&quot;20&quot;&gt;
               &lt;ProgressBar Width=&quot;560&quot; Name=&quot;ProgressBar&quot; /&gt;
               &lt;TextBlock Text=&quot;{Binding ElementName=ProgressBar, Path=Value, StringFormat={}{0:0}%}&quot; HorizontalAlignment=&quot;Center&quot; VerticalAlignment=&quot;Center&quot; /&gt;
               &lt;TextBlock Name=&quot;AdditionalInfoTextBlock&quot; Text=&quot;&quot; HorizontalAlignment=&quot;Center&quot; VerticalAlignment=&quot;Center&quot; /&gt;

        $syncHash.Window=[Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::parse( $xaml )
        # Store Form Objects In PowerShell
        ([xml]$xaml).SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | %{ $SyncHash."$($_.Name)" = $SyncHash.Window.FindName($_.Name)}

        $updateBlock = {

            $SyncHash.Window.Title = $SyncHash.Activity
            $SyncHash.ProgressBar.Value = $SyncHash.PercentComplete
            $SyncHash.AdditionalInfoTextBlock.Text = $SyncHash.AdditionalInfo
            #$SyncHash.Window.MinWidth = $SyncHash.Window.ActualWidth


        ############### New Blog ##############
        $syncHash.Window.Add_SourceInitialized( {
            ## Before the window's even displayed ...
            ## We'll create a timer
            $timer = new-object System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer
            ## Which will fire 4 times every second
            $timer.Interval = [TimeSpan]"0:0:0.01"
            ## And will invoke the $updateBlock
            $timer.Add_Tick( $updateBlock )
            ## Now start the timer running
            if( $timer.IsEnabled ) {
               Write-Host "Clock is running. Don't forget: RIGHT-CLICK to close it."
            } else {
               Write-Error "Timer didn't start"
        } )

        $syncHash.Window.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
        $syncHash.Error = $Error

    $PowerShellCommand.Runspace = $newRunspace
    $data = $PowerShellCommand.BeginInvoke()

    Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $SyncHash.Runspace `
            -EventName 'AvailabilityChanged' `
            -Action {

                    if($Sender.RunspaceAvailability -eq "Available")

                } | Out-Null

    return $syncHash


function Write-ProgressBar

    Param (
        [String]$Status = $Null,
        [int]$SecondsRemaining = $Null,
        [String]$CurrentOperation = $Null

   Write-Verbose -Message "Setting activity to $Activity"
   $ProgressBar.Activity = $Activity


       Write-Verbose -Message "Setting PercentComplete to $PercentComplete"
       $ProgressBar.PercentComplete = $PercentComplete



       [String]$SecondsRemaining = "$SecondsRemaining Seconds Remaining"


       [String]$SecondsRemaining = $Null


   Write-Verbose -Message "Setting AdditionalInfo to $Status       $SecondsRemaining$(if($SecondsRemaining){ " seconds remaining..." }else {''})       $CurrentOperation"
   $ProgressBar.AdditionalInfo = "$Status       $SecondsRemaining       $CurrentOperation"


function Close-ProgressBar

    Param (



    }, "Normal")



$ProgressBar = New-ProgressBar

Measure-Command -Expression {
    $Files = dir $env:USERPROFILE -Recurse
    $i = 0
    $Files | foreach {

                        Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10

                        Write-ProgressBar `
                                -ProgressBar $ProgressBar `
                                -Activity "Viewing Files" `
                                -PercentComplete (($i/$Files.count) * 100) `
                                -CurrentOperation $_.FullName `
                                -Status $_.Name `
                                -SecondsRemaining (100 - $_.count)

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