The quest for an ergonomic keyboard - Part 1 Reading time ~2 minutes

If you didn’t read my previous blog post I’m hunting for a good method for keeping my tech experiments going from my living room lazy boy. One of the key components to that is having a bluetooth ergonomic keyboard Why Bluetooth? If I’m going to be popping up a little......

Blogging from Android Reading time ~1 minute

I love to write blog posts and tinker with technology. I haven’t been able to do this for awhile for several reasons: I have two autistic boys that require constant attention when they are awake I have severe pain in my hands that prevents me from typing on laptop keyboards......

ThingWorx local development environment with Docker - Part 1 Reading time ~3 minutes

ThingWorx is a platform for developing “Industrial IoT solutions”. They’ve got a lot of interesting documentation on various setup guides but I wanted to document how to get one up and running locally in a few minutes for the express purposes of learning and experimentation. A local setup doesn’t usually......

Estimate, target, plan and commit Reading time ~1 minute

I’ve started into “Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art” by Steve McConnell, and of course… as is my style. I’m making some conjectures about what I think software development should look like based off of reading the first chapter. I am going to finish the book, but jotting some quick......

How to run multiple versions of React side-by-side using Single Spa Reading time ~2 minutes

This seems like it should be easy right? Single-spa is a micro-frontend framework designed to handle running multiple SPA frameworks side-by-side. It’s pretty straightforward in all the other frameworks… but not so in React. Let’s dig into why that is. What’s the problem? In order to use React you always......