How to run Storybook with Https on localhost Reading time ~1 minute

This is just a quick note for myself on how to do this since the Storybook docs don’t cover this topic. The steps are: Generate yourself a self-signed certificate Run Storybook with the correct command line arguments to use the certificate Generate a self-signed certificate There are many ways to......

Three Tools For Website Performance Testing Reading time ~1 minute

So you’ve built an awesome looking site. Congratulations! Curious to see how fast it is? Check out these three tools for helping you test the performance of your website. PageSpeed Insights Provided by Google this tool will basically run a lighthouse test for you. You’ll get performance statistics for both......

Blog Improvements Reading time ~2 minutes

I wanted to start off the new year with some improvements to the theme on my blog. Ironically, I haven’t spent a lot of time blogging over the last year but I have spent a lot of time tweaking the theme to my site. So… I figured I should just......

On the current trend away from Microservices... Reading time ~1 minute

Top trending article on Hacker News of Build the modular monolith first Over the past several months, you seldom go a few weeks without seeing a top HackerNews article pulling us back towards building monoliths instead of building with microservices. Reading the comments, it’s clear people are frustrated with their......

Sometimes... Constraints Are Good Reading time ~6 minutes

One of the common benefits touted for splitting a singe REST API into many smaller REST APIs or splitting a single frontend into many micro-frontends is that: Devs can choose whatever technology they want! This sounds amazing on the surface to some people. In practice this winds up being overwhelming......