Automatic Open Graph Images with Jekyll and Cloudinary Reading time ~10 minutes

Inspired by an excellent blog post by Delba de Oliveira on how to set up automated og:images in next.js using Cloudinary. What is an Open Graph image (og:image)? An Open Graph image is a preview image that social networks use whenever a link to an external website is shared. They......

Too beginner to share Reading time ~1 minute

The other day, I saw a LinkedIn blog post and thought, Well… that’s pretty basic. Who wouldn’t know that already? and continued with my day. Thankfully, the post came back up in my feed several times. It generated many comments, and people were saying Wow! I’ve never thought of that.......

Easy responsive images on Github Pages with Cloudinary Reading time ~4 minutes

⚠️ Brief Note For Perfection Seekers ⚠️ This is definitely not the best™ way to handle images. In an ideal world you would want the URLs generated off of the width and height of the images. You cannot do that in a plain-jane include though. You must reach for a......

Autism Resources Reading time ~1 minute

Just a collection of links to useful resources related to autism and parenting of autism. I update this list periodically. - Site that attempts to combine Autism resources from multiple locations and rate them The Autistic Brain - Fantastic book written by Temple Grandin who has autism herself. My......

How to run Storybook with Https on localhost Reading time ~1 minute

This is just a quick note for myself on how to do this since the Storybook docs don’t cover this topic. The steps are: Generate yourself a self-signed certificate Run Storybook with the correct command line arguments to use the certificate Generate a self-signed certificate There are many ways to......