Inspired by an excellent blog post by Delba de Oliveira on how to set up automated og:images in next.js using Cloudinary.
What is an Open Graph image (og:image)?
An Open Graph image is a preview image that social networks use whenever a link to an external website is shared. They are certainly very cool, and as Github has demonstrated you can use them to convey a lot of information.
What we’re building today is an automated method for building this image for all my blog posts:
What I want included in my image
- My photograph (auto-synced from gravatar)
- My blog logo
- My blog theme (font/colors)
- Title for my blog post
- Tags for my blog post
How it’s built
URL Breakdown
Here’s a full URL for you:,h_630,q_100/l_fetch:aHR0cHM6Ly90aWJlcnJpdmVyMjU2LmdpdGh1Yi5pby9pbWFnZXMvbG9nb19saWdodC5zdmc=/co_rgb:fff,e_colorize:100/fl_layer_apply,w_105,g_north_east,x_75,y_75/l_text:noto%20sans_54_bold:Too%20beginner%20to%20share,c_fit,w_1050,co_rgb:FFF,h_180/fl_layer_apply,g_south_west,x_75,y_135/,co_rgb:ffe4e680,c_fit,w_1050,h_135/fl_layer_apply,g_north_west,x_75,y_512/l_gravatar:f2cc976ebe94f2bdaa2ff21801312836/c_thumb,g_face,r_max,q_100/fl_layer_apply,w_105,g_north_west,x_75,y_75/
Let’s break this giant url down into segments for inspection and then I can share the liquid template
The base url to your Cloudinary cloud
The base action for this url. fetch
means that Cloudinary
is going to get the image from whatever url I place at the very end of this
giant URL. This is nice because I don’t have to upload anything to Cloudinary.
The image that is fetched is going to be resized to 1200x600
maintaining 100% quality.
grabs another image (my logo) from a base64 encoded url. My logo is an svg, so
Cloudinary can colorize it white for me using co_rgb
and e_colorize
. I then
place the logo anchored to the top-right g_north_east
and set it to a width of
pixels using w_105
Here’s where we actually get to insert my blog title into
the url using
Cloudinary lets you use a wide variety of fonts. I chose Noto Sans as it was
similar to the font I have on my blog. I set the font-size to 54
. I set the
font-weight to bold
. I ensured the text would wrap by using c_fit
and a
width w_1050
. I ensured it wouldn’t go more than two lines by setting a height
. I colored it white using co_rgb:FFF
. I anchored it to the bottom left
using g_south_west
. I placed it’s anchored location using the x and y
coordinates x_75,y_135
Note: This places the bottom of the text. As text wraps it will grow upwards since we are anchored to the bottom of the photo.
Here I placed my tags using another
layer. I set the font to noto sans
. I set the font-size to 36
. I put in my
website url and tags as url encoded text. I colored it a light-gray using
. I ensured it would wrap using c_fit
and setting a max width
of w_1050
. I anchored it to the top-left using g_north_west
I placed it just
below my title using the x and y coordinates x_75,y_512
Note: I want the text to wrap downwards here and upwards in the title. This is achieved using opposing anchors. The title is anchored to the bottom, and the subtitle/tags is anchored to the top. This way they grow away from each other.
Here I placed an image of myself synced from gravatar using
is just an MD5 hash of my email address. I
transformed it into a rounded thumbnail ensuring my face was kept in focus using
. I made it 105 pixels wide using w_105
. I
anchored it to the top-left using g_north_west
. I placed it using the x and y
coordinates x_75,y_75
We finally reached the end of the URL 🎉🎉!! This part ties
in with the first /image/fetch
segment and tells Cloudinary which image all
these transformations should be layered on top of.
Liquid Template
Now that we have a nice URL, let’s pull out the variables that we actually might want to change from post to post:
- Cloudinary CloudId - Put it into the
- Website URL - I could do
but I really want to strip thehttps://
stuff so let’s just keep it in the_config.yml
- Post title - Jekyll variable
, if it’s not available (i.e., homepage) we can fallback to usingsite.title
- Tags - Jekyll variable
. - Gravatar Id - It’d be smart to just extract this out into
- Logo base64 url - Let’s also pull this out into
- The background image URL - Put it into the
Let’s set up my _config.yml
with the following variables we’ll need:
bareUrl: ""
ogImageBackground: "/images/Black.jpg"
cloudinary_cloud: dhff6zdnc
base64_encoded_logo_url: aHR0cHM6Ly90aWJlcnJpdmVyMjU2LmdpdGh1Yi5pby9pbWFnZXMvbG9nb19saWdodC5zdmc=
gravatarmd5: f2cc976ebe94f2bdaa2ff21801312836
Now with all that as a backdrop it was pretty simple to put together a little liquid snippet to place in the head.html of my blog.
{% comment %}
Cloudinary cloud
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = '' | append: site.cloudinary_cloud %}
{% comment %}
Fetch an image and set its width to look good on social media
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: '/image/fetch/w_1200,h_630,q_100' %}
{% comment %}
Fetch the logo to put in the top right
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: '/l_fetch:' | append: site.base64_encoded_logo_url %}
{% comment %}
Ensure the logo is colored white and apply it
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: '/co_rgb:fff,e_colorize:100' %}
{% comment %}
Place the logo in the top-right corner
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: '/fl_layer_apply,w_105,g_north_east,x_75,y_75' %}
{% comment %}
Build the title of the post
{% endcomment %}
{% if page.title %}
{% assign title = page.title %}
{% else %}
{% assign title = site.title %}
{% endif %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: '/l_text:noto sans_54_bold:' | append: title %}
{% comment %}
Ensure the text wraps and is colored white
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: ',c_fit,w_1050,co_rgb:FFF,h_180' %}
{% comment %}
Place the title
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: '/fl_layer_apply,g_south_west,x_75,y_135' %}
{% comment %}
Build the subtext
{% endcomment %}
{% assign subtext = site.bareUrl %}
{% if page.tags %}
{% assign subtext = subtext | append: ' | ' %}
{% assign tagsString = '' %}
{% for tag in page.tags limit: 3 %}
{% assign tagHashTag = tag | slugify | prepend: '%2523' %}
{% assign tagsString = tagsString | append: tagHashTag %}
{% if forloop.last == false %}
{% assign tagsString = tagsString | append: ' · ' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign subtext = subtext | append: tagsString %}
{% endif %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: '/l_text:noto sans_36:' | append: subtext %}
{% comment %}
Color and wrap the subtext
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: ',co_rgb:ffe4e680,c_fit,w_1050,h_135' %}
{% comment %}
Place the subtext
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: '/fl_layer_apply,g_north_west,x_75,y_512' %}
{% comment %}
Build the gravatar image
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: '/l_gravatar:' | append: site.owner.gravatarmd5 %}
{% comment %}
Crop the gravatar image
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: '/c_thumb,g_face,r_max,q_100' %}
{% comment %}
Place and size the gravatar image
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: '/fl_layer_apply,w_105,g_north_west,x_75,y_75' %}
{% comment %}
Add the background image
{% endcomment %}
{% assign ogImageUrl = ogImageUrl | append: '/' | append: site.url | append: site.ogImageBackground %}
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ ogImageUrl | uri_escape }}">