Getting the related work items for an Azure Pipeline run in a monorepo

The problem..

I absolutely love this little ‘related work items’ feature in Azure DevOps pipelines:

You can click on it and quickly get a view of the work items associated with that pipeline:

This information is beneficial in two ways:

  1. It is useful information for the person running a deployment
  2. It can be used via ADO APIs to block deployments if related stories are in a certain status

So… what’s the problem with this feature?

It doesn’t support monorepos 😭😭😭

What happens with monorepos?

Let’s say I have a repository set up with the following folder structure and two azure pipelines files:

Then let’s say I commit to the main branch twice. Each commit adds a single index.js file to each folder:

Each of those files trigger their own build runs. When I view the related work items for each though.. this happens:

Does Microsoft plan to add monorepo support?

No… even though I’d think there would be plenty of support for this, the idea has never gotten any traction.

Let’s find a solution

It appears from the Azure DevOps REST API documentation that we should be able to do this ourselves… IF we are associating work items to our commits (via PR or otherwise). Which I so happen to be doint already so the following method looks pretty promising:

  1. Get ALL the commits related to a build pipeline via the Get Build Changes endpoint.
  2. Filter those commits down to the ones we want using the Get Commits endpoint using:
    1. searchCriteria.itemPath - to exclude commits that aren’t in our trigger
    2. searchCriteria.includeWorkItems - to include the work items associated with the commits
  3. Pull the work item ids from Step #2 to do whatever I want with

PowerShell time!

Following the above strategy I wrote up a quick PowerShell script that seems to get me everything I need:

#Requires -PSEdition Core

    Retrieves distinct commits and associated work items for a build pipeline... with support for monorepos!
    See the blog post at for more information.
    This script retrieves the distinct commits and associated work items for a build pipeline. It requires the following parameters:
    - BuildId: The ID of the build. If not provided, it uses the value of the environment variable BUILD_BUILDID.
    - CollectionUri: The URI of the collection. If not provided, it uses the value of the environment variable SYSTEM_COLLECTIONURI.
    - ProjectId: The ID of the project. If not provided, it uses the value of the environment variable SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECTID.
    - AuthorizationHeader: The authorization header. If not provided, it uses the value of the environment variable SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN.
    The ID of the build.
.PARAMETER CollectionUri
    The URI of the collection.
    The ID of the project.
.PARAMETER AuthorizationHeader
    The authorization header.
    Returns a PSCustomObject with the following properties:
    - DistinctCommits: An array of distinct commits.
    - AssociatedWorkItems: An array of associated work items.
    Get-BuildPipelineScopedChanges -BuildId 12345 -CollectionUri "" -ProjectId "be77c668-1e13-4360-aa08-264b1d5f64c6" -AuthorizationHeader "Bearer <access_token>"
    Retrieves the distinct commits and associated work items for the build with ID 12345 in the project "be77c668-1e13-4360-aa08-264b1d5f64c6" in the Azure DevOps organization "myorg" using the specified access token.

param (
    $BuildId = $ENV:BUILD_BUILDID,



    $AuthorizationHeader = "Bearer $ENV:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"

function EnsureModuleInstalled ( $name ) {  
    $module = Get-InstalledModule -Name $name  
    if ($null -eq $module) {  
        Install-Module -Name $name -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber  

EnsureModuleInstalled "powershell-yaml"

$Headers = @{
    Authorization = $AuthorizationHeader

$BuildUri = "$CollectionUri$ProjectId/_apis/build/builds/$BuildId"
$ChangesUri = "$CollectionUri$ProjectId/_apis/build/builds/$BuildId/changes"

$Build = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $BuildUri -Headers $Headers
$RepositoryId = $
$CommitId = $Build.sourceVersion
$BuildDefinitionId = $
$BuildDefinitionRevision = $Build.definition.revision

$BuildDefinitionUri = "$CollectionUri$ProjectId/_apis/build/definitions/$($BuildDefinitionId)?revision=$BuildDefinitionRevision"
$BuildDefinition = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $BuildDefinitionUri -Headers $Headers
$YamlFilePath = $BuildDefinition.process.yamlFilename
$YamlFileUri = "$CollectionUri$ProjectId/_apis/git/repositories/$RepositoryId/items?path=$YamlFilePath&download=true&versionDescriptor.version=$CommitId&versionDescriptor.versionType=commit"
$YamlFile = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $YamlFileUri -Headers $Headers | ConvertFrom-Yaml 
$TriggerPaths = $YamlFile.trigger.paths.include | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "\*", "" }

$IsMonoRepo = $TriggerPaths.Count -ge 1 -and $TriggerPaths[0] -ne "/"

$Changes = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $ChangesUri -Headers $Headers

$LatestChangeTimeStamp = $Changes.value[0].timestamp
$OldestChangeTimeStamp = $Changes.value[-1].timestamp

$CommitsFilteredByTriggerPaths = @()
$BaseCommitsUri = "$CollectionUri$ProjectId/_apis/git/repositories/$RepositoryId/commits?searchCriteria.fromDate=$OldestChangeTimeStamp&searchCriteria.toDate=$LatestChangeTimeStamp&searchCriteria.includeWorkItems=true"

if ($IsMonoRepo) {
    foreach ($Path in $TriggerPaths) {
        $CommitsUri = "$BaseCommitsUri&searchCriteria.itemPath=$Path"
        $Commits = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $CommitsUri -Headers $Headers
        $CommitsFilteredByTriggerPaths += $Commits.value
else {
    $Commits = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $BaseCommitsUri -Headers $Headers
    $CommitsFilteredByTriggerPaths = $Commits.value

$DistinctCommits = @($CommitsFilteredByTriggerPaths |
    Group-Object -Property commitId |
    ForEach-Object { $_.Group[0] })

$DistinctWorkItemUrls = $DistinctCommits.workItems.url | Get-Unique

$AssociatedWorkItems = @($DistinctWorkItemUrls | ForEach-Object {
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $_ -Headers $Headers

return [PSCustomObject]@{
    DistinctCommits     = $DistinctCommits
    AssociatedWorkItems = $AssociatedWorkItems

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